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Phone Skills

As much as people blather on about SEO, social media presence and “rating” sites like Yelp, if you have a brick-and-mortar presence—and particularly if that...

Keep Your Friends Close

Customer Loyalty In The Digital Age Of Retail Recently, I was reading an article about Jim Koch, Founder of the Boston Beer Company, producer of the famous S...

Shine A Light: Gilmore Music

Gilmore Music 1935 E. 7th St. Long Beach CA 90813 Phone: (562) 599-1369 Mon –Thurs: 10am – 7pm Fri–Sat: 10am – 6pm Sun: 11...

Guitar Center: More Or ‘Lesson’?

Editor’s Note: Shortly before press time, Guitar Center confirmed to The Retailer that, by the end of the year, GC would have 87 stores with lessons. The le...

Veddatorial: Bad Blood

All it takes is a bad supplier to get my early-career dander up again. It doesn’t happen often; better industry suppliers and my own selection process usual...

Have The Guts To Charge More

In the early ’80s, I found a book written by Tom Peters entitled “In Search of Excellence.” It offers advice on, and insight into, the art and science of bu...