As much as people blather on about SEO, social media presence and “rating” sites like Yelp, if you have a brick-and-mortar presence—and particularly if that...
Here’s a scenario: Have you ever pulled up a Web site on your smartphone and all you saw was a tiny version of what you would see on your desktop, requiring...
Customer Loyalty In The Digital Age Of Retail
Recently, I was reading an article about Jim Koch, Founder of the Boston Beer Company, producer of the famous S...
Instrumental Music and Sound
109 S. James St.
Ludington MI 49431
Phone: (231) 843-4411
Mon–Sat: 10am–6pm
Jeffrey G. Nixon,...
Over the last several years, technology has begun to play an increasingly critical role in MI retail. At every NAMM show, there are Idea Center sessions on ...
Gilmore Music
1935 E. 7th St.
Long Beach CA 90813
Phone: (562) 599-1369
Mon –Thurs: 10am – 7pm
Fri–Sat: 10am – 6pm
Sun: 11...
Editor’s Note: Shortly before press time, Guitar Center confirmed to The Retailer that, by the end of the year, GC would have 87 stores with lessons. The le...
All it takes is a bad supplier to get my early-career dander up again. It doesn’t happen often; better industry suppliers and my own selection process usual...
In the early ’80s, I found a book written by Tom Peters entitled “In Search of Excellence.” It offers advice on, and insight into, the art and science of bu...
Any job, any career or any relationship grows stagnant if it isn’t fed with fuel to keep it interesting. Unfortunately, many store owners and managers are d...