The new Kluson two-pin 19:1 tuners are a die-cast direct replacement/upgrade for Fender 1988 to current production instruments, excluding reissues and left-handed models. Upgrade your right-handed American Standard series, 1988 and newer Strat Plus series and Standard series instruments, with both locking and non-locking formats available. This recent design enables any owner of these three series instruments the “no-modification-required” tuning machine upgrade they have been waiting for. Even the novice can now upgrade his or her tuners with only a socket for the hex-head bushing. No mounting screws are necessary. They offer increased tuning stability and higher gear ratio without users having to re-drill mounting holes. The attractive Kluson die-cast housing utilizes the same footprint, so you see no finish discoloration of the OEM replaced housings, either.
WD Music Products | 239.543.3625 | | Booth #1225