SLM’s Executive Sales Team
To recognize a record-breaking first-quarter sales performance, St. Louis Music held a celebratory lunch on April 22 as a thank you to its employees. Mark Ragin, President and CEO of St. Louis Music, was eager to see his staff rewarded for their excellent work. SLM staff were treated to a barbecue buffet by Chris Cakes Barbecuing, famous in the Midwest for combining fine barbecue and artisan pancakes.
“Our success this quarter could not have been accomplished without the help of each and every one of our employees at SLM,” Ragin said. “I speak for the entire management staff when I say we have the finest and hardest-working team in the music industry, and it’s great to be able to reward them all for a job well done.”
Since January 1, SLM has seen the hiring of 10 employees and the signing of major distribution deals with brands like Elixir and Sabian. Under Ragin’s ownership since 2008, St. Louis Music has enjoyed exponential growth. The company now handles distribution for more than 8,000 products, and it’s the owner of Alvarez, Austin and Sigma guitars, Knilling stringed instruments, E.K. Blessing brass and Zonda reeds and woodwinds.