Overview: Gretsch’s Renown Purewood Limited Series
Specifics: Gretsch Drums is offering the latest in its Renown Purewood Limited Series that features 100-percent American hickory. A very hard, shock-resistant wood, more dense than maple, American hickory creates a sound that has substantial low end while maintaining a solid, controlled tone. Each drum is finished in a finely applied gloss lacquer to accentuate the distinct grain pattern of the wood. The sets are available in a five-piece and six-piece shell pack, and come complete with chrome hardware, die-cast hoops, Evans drumheads and 30° shell-bearing edges.
MSRP: Five-piece: $3,080.99; six-piece: $3,999.99
Ship Date: Now
Contact: Gretsch Drums, 860.509.8888, gretschdrums.com