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Interview: Ofer Webman, CEO, Founder/Creator, ToneWoodAmp

If he weren’t in the MI industry, Ofer Webman, CEO, founder/creator, ToneWoodAmp, believes that he would be involved in one of the issues that currently affect our lives: the environment, homelessness and, of course, fair royalties to musicians. Read...
Gibson, KRK Kares

Gibson Gives Foundation Expands Its Reach With KRK Kares

Gibson and its charitable arm, Gibson Gives, is launching KRK Kares, a giving initiative that will provide top-performing studio gear to schools and other non-profit organizations to promote learning through music creation using KRK solutions. KRK u...

Shure Files Petition With FCC to Open Dedicated UHF Channel

Shure has petitioned the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to reverse its recent decision and ensure that at least one “vacant” 6MHz UHF channel is designated in each market for wireless microphone use. The FCC recently terminated the “Vacant C...

AVIXA Pushes InfoComm 2021 to Late October

InfoComm 2021, originally scheduled from June 12-18, will now take place from October 23-29 at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando FL. AVIXA CEO David Labuskes issued a letter to the InfoComm community, stating the following: “I hope...
Alfred, Ron Manus

Ron Manus Receives NAMM’s 2021 Believe in Music Award

Alfred Music's Ron Manus was a recipient of NAMM’s annual Believe in Music Award. This prestigious award recognizes the dedication of individuals and businesses that demonstrate a commitment to music and music-making. Joe Lamond, president and CEO of...