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Spotlighting Gear That Hasn’t Gotten Enough Ink This Year

As is The Retailer’s custom in November, we present this month our Salute to Lesser-Publicized Music Products. The purpose of this annual “Salute” is to recognize products that, for whatever reason, have gotten less press ink than they deserve on the merits. It could be that the product is so innovative and different that some people just don’t “get it” quite yet. It could be that it’s an overlooked product category that tends to get lost in the shuffle, despite solid sales and the potential for considerable profits. Or, it could be the equivalent of a movie like “Office Space,” which almost nobody went to see at the box office but that, in short order, generated a ton of buzz from word of mouth. Looking at the 27 products in this year’s “Salute,” I wouldn’t be at all surprised if any one of them were to break out and start grabbing headlines in a matter of weeks or months.

Note: We received many more entries than we could publish in this story. Selected submissions that are not included here will be incorporated into the Product Buzz section in future issues.

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